Sunday, 20 September 2015


30 days 表示可以在该州/特区使用中国驾照的天数最多为30天;
16/+ 表示驾驶者年龄必须16岁或以上;
16+ 表示驾驶者年龄必须16岁以上;
IDP required 表示必须同时携带国际驾驶执照(中国大陆无法也不可能颁发合法的国际驾照)。

亚拉巴马州: 可以, 16/+

阿拉斯加州: 可以, 90days, 16/+

亚利桑那州: 可以

阿肯色州:  不可以, IDP required


科罗拉多州: 可以, 16/+

康涅狄格州: 不可以, IDP required

特拉华州: 可以, 16+

佛罗里达州:可以, 16/+; 州议会曾在2012年修改了条款,表示从2013年起持中国驾照不能在佛州合法驾驶,但是州交管部门在2013年2月14日发表了申明,暂时不会强制执行该条法令。最新: 佛州州长4月2日已签署H7059号法令,废除去年通过的外国人在佛州驾驶必须拥有国际驾照的规定,大家可以继续持本国有效驾照放心驾驶。

佐治亚州: 不可以,IDP required

夏威夷州: 不可以, IDP required

爱达荷州: 可以

伊利诺伊州: 可以, 整个合法访问期间

印第安纳州: 可以, 16.5/+

艾奥瓦州: 可以

堪萨斯州: 可以

肯塔基州: 不可以, IDP required

路易斯安那州: 可以, 90days

缅因州: 可以, 16/+

马里兰州: 可以


密西根州: 不可以

明尼苏达州: 可以, 15/+

密西西比州: 可以, 60days, 18/+

密苏里州: 可以, 16/+

蒙大拿州: 可以, 15/+

内布拉斯加州: 可以, 30days

内华达州: 可以, 16/+

新罕布什尔州: 不可以, 州法第21篇《机动车》没有明确该州承认的签发外国驾照的具体国家,且免除条款均适用互相承认驾照的州/省/国家

新泽西州: 不可以

新墨西哥州: 可以, 15/+

纽约州: 可以

北卡罗来纳州: 可以

北达科他州: 可以, 16/+

俄亥俄州: 可以

奧克拉荷马州: 可以, 16/+

俄勒冈州: 可以, 16/+

宾夕法尼亚州: 可以, 16/+

罗得岛州: 可以, 16/+

南卡罗来纳州: 可以, 16/+

南达科他州: 可以, 16/+

田纳西州: 可以

德克萨斯州: 不可以

犹他州: 可以, 6months, 16/+

佛蒙特州: 不可以

弗吉尼亚州, 可以, 16.25/+

华盛顿州, 可以, 1year, 16/+

西弗吉尼亚州: 可以, 90days, 16/+

威斯康星州: 不可以, IDP required

怀俄明州: 可以

华盛顿特区: 可以, 30days

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Linux 下值得使用的 5 个屏幕录像软件

在很多时候,我们需要将在 Linux 桌面上的操作过程录制下来,比如制作屏幕演示、视频教学等。这里将介绍在 Linux 下值得使用的 5 个屏幕录像软件,包括 Istanbul、Wink、Xvidcap、Vnc2swf、Recordmydesktop,希望对有此需求的朋友提供参考。
  1. Istanbul 使用 Istanbul,你可以将 Linux 屏幕上的一切操作过程录制下来。Istanbul 既能够按照你的需要录制全屏、区域或者窗口,也可以录制声音和鼠标指针,最终会生成 Ogg Theora 格式的视频文件。
  2. Wink Wink 是录制 Flash 视频演示的极好工具,除支持 Linux 平台外,也能够在 Windows 系统上运行。你可以使用 Wink 为所录制的文件添加文字说明和声音旁白。
  3. Xvidcap Xvidcap 支持生成 avi、mpeg、asf、flv、swf、mov 等视频格式,可以应用在各种场合。录制的区域也可以随意选择,显得非常方便。
  4. Vnc2swf Vnc2swf 是继 Wink 外适合在 Linux 中使用的另一个 Flash 录制工具,但比 Wink 稍微要难用点,而且也没有 Wink 功能全面。
  5. Recordmydesktop Recordmydesktop 功能主要有:可录制全屏、窗口,也可以录制选择的区域;除了能够录制视频的基本功能之外,还能够录制音频;有一些录制的参数可以调整;生成的视频格式为 ogg。它默认提供 GTK+ 界面,另外也有一个适合 KDE 桌面环境的 reKordmydesktop

Monday, 14 September 2015

5 Household Fixes You Should Stop Paying Others For

Spring is right around the corner, and with it comes the season for cleaning, fixing, and repairing things around the house. The problem is that many people simply open their wallets and pay for work that they could probably handle themselves, from leaky faucets and downed tree branches to pest control.
You don't have to be a professional handyman to take care of common hiccups. In fact, a little bit of patience and diligence can eliminate repair and maintenance costs and help heal your bottom line. 
Given that, here’s a look at five household fixes and chores you can probably handle solo:


Hiring somebody to rake your leaves, mow your lawn, fertilize, and mulch your shrubbery isn't always worth the cost. Instead of getting an itemized list of tasks done by a lawn service, you’ll get physical activity and money to put in your savings. Plus landscaping your yard gives you the freedom to do whatever you want creatively with the peace of mind that it’ll be done to your specifications. 

Vehicle Maintenance

Minor car maintenance and repairs don’t require a new skill set. Changing your oil, replacing a dead battery, and installing new headlight bulbs all take a few minutes to learn but can save hundreds of dollars in the long run. Beyond repairs, clean your cars at home. Washing your cars inside and out lets you scrub every nook and cranny. Now there won’t be anybody to blame if crumbs litter your passenger seat, except your messy passengers.

Plumbing Repairs

Leaks and clogged drains happen. They’re inevitable. But don’t call a plumber who solves the problem in 10 minutes and charges you for an hour. O-rings, plumbing tape, and clog-removing chemicals easily save you a bundle of money. If trying to fix simple plumbing problems sounds intimidating, at least give it a try before diving for the phone. Worst case scenario, you have to call a professional. At the same time, avoid exacerbating problems by taking on projects beyond your means. There's no shame in knowing your limitations.

Pest Control

Pesticide sells for less than $15 at hardware stores and comes with spraying mechanisms. Pay close attention to the directions and clear areas you plan to spray beforehand. Be sure to mind the pets, too. Killing the insects yourself keeps the pesky ones away, but you still need a hired hand to take out termites. Don’t let a termite bond lapse, and keep a pest-control company under contract for termite extermination if termites are prevalent in your area.

Mending Walls

It’s common for drywall nails to pop out, be an eyesore, and ensnare clothes. Use a nail set to hammer obtrusive nails back into the stud. Then, about two inches above or below the loose nail, tap in another nail flush with the wall. Spackle the dents, let dry, and sand smooth. Paint as necessary.
These are just a handful of do-it-yourself fixes. Please feel free to share your tips below.

10 Really Easy Ways to Unclog Drains

We all know the warning signs. The sink takes a little longer to drain. You begin to notice water pooling around your feet in the shower. And the odors. The strange, unpleasant odors. They're all signs that you may soon be facing a clogged drain. And then one day, boom. Your drain is blocked completely. It's something you need to deal with quickly, or face the wrath of a burst pipe or a useless bathroom.
So you remove the excess hair and gunk that has built up at the surface of the drain. And nothing happens. You try some liquid plumber. No good. Then, the plunger. But what happens when it doesn't come to the rescue? Here are 10 ways to deal with the blockages before resorting to that expensive emergency plumber. 

1. The Bent Wire Hanger

Simple enough, but surprisingly effective. Take a regular wire coat hanger and straighten it out as best you can. Then, bend one end over to create a small hook. Push that past the drain cover and start fishing. You should be able to get all sorts of hair and nasty stuff out of the drain. Remember, you always want to be pulling gunk out, not pushing it further. When you've got as much out as you can, run the hot water, and it should clear things up nicely.

2. Baking Soda and Vinegar

Mix 1/3rd of a cup of baking soda with 1/3rd of a cup of vinegar in a measuring cup. It will fizz immediately, and you should waste no time pouring it down the clogged drain. The fizzing action will help to remove the gunk, hair, and grime that has built up in the pipe. Let it sit for one hour or even overnight if you can. Flush with hot water. Alternatively, get as much of the dry baking soda as you can down the drain first, then pour on the vinegar.

3. The Wet & Dry Vacuum

If you have a wet & dry shop vacuum, it can become a terrific tool to unclog drains. First, set it to vacuum liquids. Cover up the vent to prevent a mess. Then, create the tightest seal you can over the drain. You may want to get creative and adapt an old plunger head for this purpose. With the vacuum turned on its highest setting, it can be powerful enough to draw the clog up the pipe and into the vacuum bag. It doesn't always work, but it's worth a shot.

4. Boiling Water

Tips don't get any easier than this. Put the kettle on (or use the stove or microwave if you don't own a kettle) and boil up as much water as it will hold. Now pour it slowly down the drain in two to three stages, allowing the hot water to work for a several seconds in between each pour. This is usually the easiest and quickest way to unclog a drain. If there's any water left, congratulate yourself with a cup of tea.

5. Caustic Soda

Get some rubber gloves and eye protection. Caustic soda (also known as Sodium Hydroxide) can cause nasty chemical burns. You can pick some up from your local hardware store, but always use caution handling it. Pour 3/4 gallon of cold water into a mop bucket, and then add 3 cups of caustic soda. Stir it well with an old wooden spoon. It will begin to fizz and heat up. Pour it into the clogged drain and leave for 20-30 minutes, then flush the drain with boiling water. Repeat if necessary.

6. Cleaning the Pipe

There are some plumbing jobs that I won't do, but this one is easy. First, place an empty bucket underneath the U-shaped pipe (the trap) beneath the sink. The bucket will collect the water that will spill. Using a plumber's wrench, loosen the slip nuts at both ends of the pipe. You should be able to finish the operation by hand. When the trap is free, remove it and turn it upside down, emptying the contents into the bucket. You may also need to fish around inside it for debris, and do the same with the pipes that were holding it. An old toothbrush is good for getting the tough gunk out. Rinse the trap with water and then put it all back together. In most cases, that will have done the trick.

7. The Drain Snake

This is a fairly low-tech piece of equipment that works wonders. It's basically a long flexible metal rope with a spiral of metal at the end. Thefollowing video shows you just what to do.

8. Salt and Baking Soda

Mix 1/2 cup of table salt with 1/2 cup of baking soda and pour down the blocked drain. Leave it for 10-20 minutes, then pour boiling water down. The salt, baking soda, and boiling water will produce a chemical reaction that should dissolve some of the nastiest blockages.

9. Dish Detergent

If your toilet is clogged, pour 1/4 cup of dish detergent in the bowl. Then boil some water. The dish soap will act as a lubricant and help break up any greasy residue. Then pour the hot water down, and get ready to start plunging. If the plunger doesn't cut it, rubber gloves may be the next option.

10. Baking Soda, Vinegar, Gravity, and Pressure

If your bath drain is clogged, mix up some of the baking soda/vinegar mentioned in tip two. Pour it down the drain, and then place the stopper over it. After 45-60 minutes, fill the bathtub with water. Then, remove the stopper. The pressure of 40-60 gallons of water should be enough to dislodge the blockage that has been loosened by the baking soda and vinegar. You could also try some plunging or the drain snake in conjunction with the weight of the water.